I work closely with students and/or collaborators. The following lists also include achievements (e.g., papers under my close supervision) and last-known affiliations.
- Youmei Song (Postdoc, Hong Kong PolyU, 2023-present)
- Dan Zhuo (PhD student, Fudan University, 2024-present)
- Ying Zheng (PhD student, Fudan University, 2023-present): IWQoS, ICPP
- Hengdi Wang (PhD student, BUPT, 2024-present)
- Siyuan Wei (PhD student, BUPT, 2024-present)
- Yining Zhang (PhD student, BUPT, 2022-present): ToN
- Siru Chen (PhD student, BUPT, 2022-present)
- Fei Wang (PhD student, BUPT, 2020-present): TMC, INFOCOM, COMNET
- Mingtao Ji (PhD student, Nanjing University, 2022-present): SECON, TMC
- Yan Chen (PhD student, Nanjing University, 2022-present)
- Nate Balmain (MSc student, University of Oregon, 2024-present)
- Wencong You (PhD student, University of Oregon, 2018-2020): SECON, INFOCOM
- Tien Dinh (MSc student, University of Oregon, 2021-2023): Thesis ➔ Verizon @ FL
- Master Thesis: "Foundations of LEO Satellite Edge Computing: An Empirical Study Based on the Hypatia Simulator"
- Alex X. Cai (MSc student, University of Oregon, 2022-2023) ➔ Advanta Seeds @ TX
- Kartikeya Sharma (MSc student, University of Oregon, 2022) ➔ Equinix @ Seattle, WA
- Chetana Kulkarni (MSc student, University of Oregon, 2021) ➔ Lockheed Martin @ Huntsville, AL
- Xin (Adam) Chen (BSc student, University of Oregon, 2018): Thesis ➔ Amazon @ Seattle, WA
- Bachelor Thesis: "An Empirical Study of OpenStack++ in Edge Computing"
- Yueqi Zhu (BSc student, University of Oregon, 2017): Thesis ➔ Microsoft @ Redmond, WA
- Bachelor Thesis (Departmental Honor): "Reducing Cloud Reconfigurations via Co-locating Compensative Workloads and Services"
- Yibo Jin (PhD student, Nanjing University, 2019-2022): SECON (2), ICDCS, INFOCOM, JSAC, ToN ➔ Huawei @ Shanghai
- Youmei Song (PhD student, Beihang University, 2020-2023): SECON ➔ PolyU @ Hong Kong
- Shutong Chen (PhD student, HUST, 2018-2021): INFOCOM, TPDS ➔ Guangxi University @ Nanning
- Yi Zhong (MSc student, Wuhan University, 2021-2022): SECON ➔ ByteDance @ Shanghai
- Xuan'er Wu (MSc student, BUPT, 2021-2024) ➔ Institute of AI, China Telecom (TeleAI) @ Shanghai
- Yulan Yuan (MSc student, BUPT, 2019-2021): TITS, TWC, INFOCOM ➔ HKUST (GZ) @ Guangzhou
- Yimin Chen (BSc student, Fudan University, 2018): Thesis
- Bachelor Thesis (in Chinese): "An Empirical Study on Online Predictive Control Algorithms for Resource Allocation Problems"